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Головна » 2012 » Березень » 16 » In the Kiev region for the night cut down hectare forest
1:45 AM
In the Kiev region for the night cut down hectare forest
In the night of March 15 in one of the greenest areas of the city of Irpen, that in the Kiev region, was made a hectare of pine forests.

according To local residents, developers destroyed forest plantations despite the fact that the General Prosecutors office has recently ruled that the decision of Irpen city Council from 14.04.2011 illegal. By this decision local authorities handed the building of the green zone, “подкорректировав” the decision of 2009, about the arrangement of the city of seven parks and gardens and one гидропарка total area of over 20 hectares.

“the Judge Lynnik not the first time considering our application in the struggle for the green zone, and not for the first time is inactive for two weeks the court still has not started to proceedings in the case. It is the judge considered the case about the “the Park of Heroes” and then refused us for purely formal reasons. It seems that this time the judge is interested hush up the case, so we intend to apply to the Supreme Council of Justice with a statement of his dismissal, because we believe that the judges with such moral qualities not has the right to work in the judicial system of Ukraine”, – told the coordinator of the public movement protect green areas Lawrentiy Kukhaleyshvili.

Джерело: http://yellowpage.in.ua/en/archives/42676
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«  Березень 2012  »

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